iFast AGM 2023

iFast just announced it's annual report and AGM date

Annual report can be found here

The AGM notice can be found here

The AGM will be held Physically and Virtually.

1) The Annual General Meeting will be held on 26 April 2023 at Auditorium (Level 9), Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre, 1 Straits Boulevard, Singapore 018906 (“Physical Meeting”)


2) Shareholders will be able to attend the Virtual Meeting to observe and/or listen to the AGM proceedings through a “live” audio visual webcast or “live” audio-only stream

Shareholders (including, where applicable, their appointed proxy(ies)) and CPF Investors and SRS Investors who wish to follow the proceedings of the AGM must pre-register for access to the “live” audio-visual webcast or “live” audio-only stream of the AGM proceedings at the pre-registration website at the URL: https://conveneagm.sg/ifastagm23 from 4 April 2023 up to 2.00 p.m. on 23 April 2023 to enable the Company to verify their status.
