SGX REIT results announcements for 1Q 2024 - 20 Feb 2024 announcements


Here is a table of known upcoming results announcements for SGX listed REITs and Trusts

Those results announced are linked in the table below to the SGX announcements.

Feel free to copy and paste them into your Google calendar or other calendars, to keep track.

NameTickerDate of releaseTime of releaseTypePeriod
Frasers Cpt TrJ69UJan 22, 2024After MarketBusiness Update1st Quarter
Sabana REITM1GUJan 23, 2024After MarketFinancial ResultsFull Year
Mapletree Log TrM44UJan 24, 2024After MarketFinancial Results3rd Quarter
Suntec REITT82UJan 24, 2024Before MarketFinancial ResultsFull Year
Mapletree Ind TrME8UJan 25, 2024After MarketFinancial Results3rd Quarter
Keppel DC REITAJBUJan 26, 2024Before MarketFinancial ResultsFull Year
CapLand India TCY6UJan 29, 2024After MarketFinancial ResultsFull Year
CapLand Ascott THMNJan 29, 2024Before MarketFinancial ResultsFull Year
Mapletree PanAsia Com TrN2IUJan 29, 2024After MarketFinancial Results3rd Quarter
StarhillGbl ReitP40UJan 29, 2024After MarketFinancial ResultsHalf Year
OUE Com ReitTS0UJan 29, 2024After MarketFinancial ResultsFull Year
CapLand China TAU8UJan 30, 2024Before MarketFinancial ResultsFull Year
Frasers L&C TrBUOUJan 30, 2024After MarketBusiness Update1st Quarter
CDL HTrustJ85Jan 30, 2024Before MarketFinancial ResultsFull Year
Keppel REITK71UJan 30, 2024Before MarketFinancial ResultsFull Year
Keppel Infrastructure TrustA7RUJan 31, 2024Before MarketFinancial ResultsFull Year
Keppel Pacific Oak US REITCMOUFeb 1, 2024
Financial ResultsFull Year
AIMS APAC ReitO5RUJan 31, 2024Before MarketBusiness Update3rd Quarter
CapLand Ascendas REITA17UFeb 1, 2024After MarketFinancial ResultsFull Year
DigiCore Reit USDDCRUFeb 1, 2024After MarketFinancial ResultsFull Year
ESR-LOGOS REITJ91UFeb 1, 2024Before MarketFinancial ResultsFull Year
Lendlease ReitJYEUFeb 1, 2024After MarketFinancial ResultsHalf Year
Frasers HTrustACVFeb 1, 2024After MarketBusiness Update1st Quarter
ParkwayLife ReitC2PUFeb 1, 2024After MarketFinancial ResultsFull Year
PARAGONREITSK6UFeb 5, 2024After MarketFinancial ResultsFull Year
CapLand IntCom TC38UFeb 6, 2024Before MarketFinancial ResultsFull Year
ManulifeReit USDBTOUFeb 8, 2024Before MarketFinancial ResultsFull Year
Far East HTrustQ5TFeb 14, 2024Before MarketFinancial ResultsFull Year
EliteComREIT GBPMXNUFeb 19, 2024Before MarketFinancial ResultsFull Year
First ReitAW9UFeb 20, 2024After MarketFinancial ResultsFull Year
SASSEUR REITCRPUFeb 21, 2024Before MarketFinancial ResultsFull Year
UtdHampshReitUSDODBUFeb 22, 2024Before MarketBusiness UpdateFull Year
Cromwell Reit SGDCWCUFeb 26, 2024N.AFinancial ResultsFull Year
